Is CSS the best metaphor for styling for a UIToolkit? Maybe not

Writing your own UI Toolkit is, if nothing else, educational. As the OpenPyro framework continues to evolve, every time a new feature is added, I look around at prior art in the domain and evaluate the choices made by different frameworks which has been fascinating. Of course, the first framework I look at (since I have had most experience with that) has always been Flex (both Flex 3 and 4 separatly since they are so different), but often I do compare that with choices made by the IPhone’s UIKit, HTML/CSS and (rarely) Swing or any of the Java toolkits.

One of the features that I know I will need to add in a future version will be a simpler way to style/skin the controls. OpenPyro controls are based around composition so creating new UI assets and passing them in as skin elements is simple enough but there is always a need to do something simpler. A blue scrollbar for example shouldn’t need blue assets, more the ability to tell the scrollbar to draw itself with a stroke/fill of blue color.

Flex’s choice in this domain has been CSS and thats not surprising. A lot of the way Flex was developed was to enable it to be a gateway drug to ActionScript for developers from other technology domains and who doesn’t know CSS? Flex 3’s CSS capabilities were very basic and I keep reading how Flex 4’s CSS engine is so much more complete. And considering how much easier it is to create a Flex 3 theme compared to a Look and Feel in Swing, that seems to have been a decent choice. Someone recently asked when OpenPyro would support that functionality which led to this post.

I have often found writing CSS for Flex a chore, for most of the reasons I find writing CSS rules boring: complete loss of any logic system. Deep in ActionScript land while developing an application, switching to CSS is irritating. Suddenly I am in a file where I cannot really code any logic or rules. One of the first libraries of ActionScript I wrote over 3 years back had explicitly defined style objects. For example, ScrollBars would have a corresponding ScrollBarStyle class that listed all style properties. Being a pure AS class, I could also code logic in that, so conditionally apply style properties because I could inspect the properties of the UI element the style was being applied to. Heck, I could even get code hinting of relevant styles for a particular component.

What spurred this post today was seeing how the engineering team I work with at Comcast Interactive Media adopting the Less CSS engine. I have personally not worked with this yet but I might in a coming sprint. By accounts so far, its awesome to work with and I completely don’t doubt that. Most of the logic here seems something that you can write pretty easily in pure AS3 classes and pass them around as something equivalent to Flex/Javascript’s CSSStyleDeclaration object (link to JS CSSStyleDeclaration object)

Anyway, the point of this post was, while CSS may be the most familiar styling metaphor, there may be better ones. I hope OpenPyro can probably adopt something more powerful like lessCSS rather than pure CSS.

Update: Another flavor of a *better CSS* system: SASS

Update 2: Smashing Magazine has a pretty good writeup on CSS ideas and debates. More food for thought as I spec out a styling language for OpenPyro.

Author: Arpit Mathur

Arpit Mathur is a Principal Engineer at Comcast Labs where he is currently working on a variety of topics including Machine Learning, Affective Computing, and Blockchain applications. Arpit has also worked extensively on Android and iOS applications, Virtual Reality apps as well as with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and Ruby on Rails. He also spent a couple of years in the User Experience team as a Creative Technologist.

3 thoughts on “Is CSS the best metaphor for styling for a UIToolkit? Maybe not”

  1. @Corey, I just browsed the site and the XML based skinning is kinda interesting, though I still think skin files should be more *script based. Ooo..maybe JSON ?


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